Neural therapy
Neural therapy originates from conventional medicine and is a holistic regulatory therapy. In this method, small amounts of local anesthetics are administered to specific areas. The effect is not based on the direct anaesthetic effect of the agent, but on influencing the body’s higher-level control circuits.
Good to know
The therapeutic approach of neural therapy consists of the direct application of local anesthetics to the painful structures and the elimination of interference fields. Understanding an interference field is the central pivotal point of neural therapy treatment. Every chronic illness can be caused by an interference field, which causes the illness via the autonomic nervous system and other mechanisms. The interference field does not have to cause any significant symptoms. Any part of the body that is chronically inflamed can become an interference field and send pathogenic stimuli to other parts of the body. Such interference fields can be, for example, scars, chronically inflamed maxillary sinuses, dead or festering teeth, chronically inflamed tonsils and all other inflammations. From the point of view of regulatory medicine, the interference field is a source of stimulation with the emission of permanent stimuli of varying intensity. Often small stimuli in the sense of a malresonance are sufficient to lead to a strain on neural, hormonal, humoral and cellular control circuits with subsequent strain on the entire organism in the sense of a destabilization. The symptoms usually manifest themselves at the point of least resistance in the body, are often far removed from the interference field and are therefore not associated with it at first glance. The resulting complaints are manifold. Examples include chronic fatigue, migraines, chronic pain, sensitivity to the weather and accelerated joint degeneration. The ancient knowledge of the importance of foci and interference fields in the treatment of chronic and therapy-resistant illnesses is supplemented by modern research into the outstanding diverse properties of local anaesthetics. For this reason, an interference field should be considered in every chronic or atypical course of a disease, in the case of unexplained treatment failure or inadequately excessive stimulus response. In the context of interference field therapy, there is often a resounding therapeutic success. As it is possible to balance disturbed control circuits throughout the entire body, neural therapy can be used in a variety of ways to bring pathological conditions in the body back into balance. Since neural therapy is the first choice for eliminating interference fields that block therapy, such combinations can significantly improve the effectiveness of physical, physiotherapeutic, psychological or acupuncture treatments.
How does treatment work?
Neural therapy is used specifically for prevention and health maintenance. For complaints such as chronic pain, chronic diseases of internal organs, persistent fatigue or resistance to therapy. In all cases, it is important that the relevant doctor carries out a detailed assessment. Depending on the clinical picture and response to treatment, a single therapy session or several sessions can lead to lasting relief from symptoms. In the case of chronic complaints, several treatments will usually be necessary for lasting therapeutic success. In the course of general restorations, for example, the affected area is “injected” with procaine after extraction and the placement of ceramic implants. This is not usually painful, as you are already anaesthetized in this area as a result of the operation. The aim of this additional therapy as part of the Bone Healing Protocol or Jaw Detox Program, for example, is to boost wound healing and increase blood flow to optimize the healing of the implant. Some patients may experience a supposed swelling as a result of this measure. However, this is “only” the liquid of the injected agent, which “dissolves” in the course of regeneration in the following days and further intensifies the healing process. This also does not lead to pain.
Neural therapy is used as part of the diagnosis of focal and interference fields as well as (general) rehabilitation in order to stimulate blood circulation in the jaw area and thus promote the speed of healing and regeneration. This form of therapy, which is also used specifically in prevention and health maintenance, can also positively support the elimination of interference fields and blockages from a regulatory medical perspective. In the course of a consultation and clarification of whether and, if so, how this accompanying therapy makes sense for you during a rehabilitation, you can get an idea of the benefits for you.