Orthomolecular medicine
A healthy lifestyle is the basis for a long, healthy life. Orthomolecular medicine, which is based on these principles, is characterized by the fact that it uses the body’s own substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, …) to maintain and restore health.
Good to know
The orthomolecular principle places prevention and health maintenance at the top of the list. If you want to enjoy your health for a long time and live a healthy or healthier life again, an important pillar is a healthy diet. “Let your food be your medicine.” This attitude was coined by Hippocrates and he was already absolutely right back then. Linus Pauling, biochemist and two-time Nobel Prize winner, also emphasized in the 1960s that many diseases are caused by an imbalance in the nutrient balance. So how does orthomolecular medicine work? “Orthomolecular” has its origins in the Greek “orthos” and means good, right. In combination with the term “molecule” as a Latin term for a building block of substances, it refers to the right amount of the body’s own substances to maintain and restore a balance of nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes – i.e. micronutrients – help to maintain our health. This is especially true when they are available to our body in optimal quantities. The prerequisite for good health can therefore be created with orthomolecular principles. If there are health imbalances caused by inflammation in the jaw, for example, it is important that the step of restoration – ideally accompanied by a healthy lifestyle in advance – is followed by the step of rebuilding and maintenance. During this process, it is essential that you provide your body with sufficient nutrients to help in the recovery and healing process.
How does treatment work?
As part of the therapies, we will inform and educate you on how best to adopt a healthy lifestyle in advance or in acute cases and integrate it into your life. By supplementing micronutrients according to orthomolecular principles, deficiency symptoms can be quickly compensated for and maintenance supported. We have developed specific programs such as our Jaw Detox Program or our Bone Healing Protocol, which are designed to optimally accompany you through the various therapy phases and support you in regeneration and rebuilding. The success of our patients, their increased well-being and better overall health speak for themselves.
The correct dosage of micronutrients has been scientifically proven and is indispensable in holistic concepts. Targeted changes in the concentration of substances in the human body can stabilize health and improve quality of life. To support the body’s self-healing powers, the high-dose administration of micronutrients, vitamins and heavy metal-binding substances is essential to eliminate acute or chronic nutrient deficiencies caused by chronic illnesses or environmental influences. Micronutrients are also very important in preventive medicine. Especially as we are exposed to constant stress levels, it is essential to support our health through targeted supplementation and to provide our body with sufficient nutrients. The prerequisite for health is a balanced and varied diet. If an organism suffers an imbalance due to “silent inflammation” – so-called silent, constantly present inflammations such as focal and interference fields in the jaw area – it is advisable to seek appropriate therapy with removal of these focal and interference fields after diagnostic clarification. Before, during and after the rehabilitation period, you will receive intensive support from us in the healing and regeneration process, for example as part of the Jaw Detox Program or by means of the Bone Healing Protocol. The best thing to do is to find out for yourself about patients who have benefited from our programs or make an appointment for clarification.