Therapy & remediation
If detailed diagnostics show that restoration is unavoidable, you need not worry. We will endeavor to implement an individually tailored restoration concept for you. Our experience makes it possible for us to offer you a sustainable, ideal price-performance ratio.
Good to know
Thanks to our experience, especially in the case of complex, complicated restorations, you can be sure that we attach particular importance to an appropriate price-performance ratio. At the start of treatment, it is important that you receive sufficient and detailed information from us. We have developed our standards here, which have been tried and tested for decades and are constantly updated and further developed. As soon as the therapy begins, it is important that we work together as a team. In addition to our professional work, success is also largely dependent on your cooperation.
The better you adhere to our recommendations in the preparation, during and also in the healing phase, the faster the regeneration will take place and you will recover effectively. We have developed specific protocols – such as the Bone Healing Protocol – which take particular care to prepare you immunologically in the best possible way for the therapy phases and to strengthen your entire organism. It is advisable to take it easy and give yourself room to recover during the time of surgery and procedures. The less stress you expose yourself to, the more energy you will have for healing and regeneration.
After the treatment phase comes the maintenance and monitoring phase. Here, too, it is important that you keep to the recall appointments and our recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle. The better you adhere to them, the more pleasure you will have with your healthy, radiant smile. Not to mention that your quality of life will improve and you will feel more vital and full of energy.
How does treatment work?
After a detailed diagnosis and explanation of the possible solutions and costs, you can decide which therapy is right for you. The basic steps of the therapy are always as follows:
- Diagnostics and determination of therapeutic measures
- Implementation of therapeutic measures with remediation if necessary
- Maintaining and monitoring the results achieved
We attach particular importance to informing you about a healthy lifestyle, educating you and providing support. Supplementation with micro- and macronutrients, for example, can also make a positive contribution to your well-being.
Therapy & restoration is the logical consequence if the detailed diagnostics have revealed focal and interference fields, periodontal disease or other diseases in your jaw that need to be eliminated and/or restored, missing teeth need to be replaced, the gums need to be healed and much more. Our concept of biological dentistry ensures that you as a person, with your overall health, are taken into account in all measures. Improving your overall health is an important building block for greater well-being, vitality and a higher quality of life. The core steps of therapy & rehabilitation are Step 1: after the diagnosis has been made, the treatment plan is determined; with our all-in-one concepts, we can carry out even major restorations(amalgam removal, removal of other metals, NICOs, inflammation in the jaw) and immediate restoration with ceramic implants on the same day. You leave the practice on the same day with fixed teeth and are immediately relieved by the removal of toxins. Step 2: After an individually varying period of healing and regeneration following the procedure (you always have a fixed dental restoration), the temporary restoration is replaced by the final solution. If you adhere to our recall program, we give a lifelong guarantee on the dentures we fit. Step 3: Recall program (check-up and maintenance) In the period thereafter, we use our recall system to remind you regularly of check-up appointments and professional oral hygiene. Your overall health is also important to us, which we regularly measure using key parameters that are important for the maintenance of ceramic implants, for example, and make you aware that you should adjust your lifestyle accordingly to ensure that these values are within the ideal range defined for this purpose. You will receive intensive support and advice from us at every stage. Please let us know your suggestions and concerns or fears on an ongoing basis so that we can respond to them immediately if we have not already done so ourselves. We are constantly striving to develop further and to meet your requirements. The fact that even our most demanding patients are satisfied and healthier is confirmation for us, but does not stop us from wanting to continuously improve. For the benefit of our patients.