Gum treatments

Do you often have bad breath or bleeding gums? Are your gums constantly inflamed? Please have it checked quickly to see if you have periodontitis or ginigivitis.

Good to know

One of the most common chronic widespread diseases is constant inflammation of the gums. This chronic disease of the periodontium can have serious consequences if it is not treated consistently. The possible loss of teeth is one thing that nobody wants. The consequences that consistent inflammation in the jaw can have on the entire body are just as serious. Chronic cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal pain, diabetes, depression and anxiety disorders are just some of the diseases that are scientifically associated with inflammation in the jaw.


This disease is still not taken seriously enough. The incidence among 30-year-olds is 50%, and even more than 70% between the ages of 40 and 50. The insidious thing about this gum disease is that it does not cause any pain in the early stages and can therefore simmer away. The pain grows, if you like, insidiously under the gums. You can recognize periodontitis by the following signs:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Tooth loosening
  • Tooth displacements

Our team specializes in detecting gum disease at an early stage. At every check-up and oral hygiene session in our practice, we meticulously check whether your gums are healthy or whether they may be developing an abnormality. The earlier this is detected and consistently treated, the better the chances of recovery. To be honest, however, it must be said from experience that once a periodontitis patient is always at risk of developing periodontitis again. In this case, a genetic predisposition may also be to blame. This only helps in the clarification of the cause, as a consequence it is up to you and us, in teamwork so to speak, to “eradicate” the disease and to follow the preservation very meticulously. We want you to be able to maintain your healthy teeth and have healthy gums.

How does treatment work?

In the course of a dental check-up and professional oral hygiene, it can be checked whether you have gingivitis or not. This basic periodontal examination will show whether inflammation is present and what degree it has reached. If this is confirmed, it is recommended that a detailed periodontal assessment is carried out and consistent measures are taken to heal it. The depths of the gum pockets etc. are measured in detail here. The deeper, the worse, and the more teeth that bleed during the examination, the worse they tend to be. You will receive the result and a detailed explanation of the treatment plan to be implemented. Please take our recommendations to heart. In our experience, the better our therapy is accepted and implemented, the sooner recovery can take place and the result can be maintained.


We are specially trained to recognize gum disease at an early stage. Please do not take such a diagnosis lightly. We want you to be able to keep your healthy teeth and strive to heal this disease quickly and consistently. This is teamwork between you and our team. We work with you to develop an individual treatment plan and guide you through the process. The common goal is long, healthy, periodontitis-free jaws. The most important steps:


Checking whether this disease is present at a check-up appointment and/or during a professional oral hygiene treatment under dental supervision


Development and implementation of a consistent treatment plan with the aim of achieving healthy paro-free teeth/gums


Maintenance and control phase with regular professional oral hygiene and consistent daily oral care at home.

Do you need diagnosis, advice
or therapy? We are here to help you
in an empathetic and solution-oriented way

Do you need diagnosis, advice
or therapy? We are here to help you
in an empathetic and solution-oriented way