Prevention, Protection


As an athlete, I am familiar with their concernstop athletes as well as amateur athletes have trusted our work for decades. From Protection for your protection, from prophylaxis to the preservation of your natural teeth to performance enhancement, we use all our skills every day to best serve your needs. serve your needs in the best possible way.

Sports dentistry – diagnostics, performance,
prevention, protection

What applies to professionals is of course also important for amateur athletes and athletes of all sports and age groups, as well as for all performance-oriented people in general.
Sports dentistry offers many opportunities to optimize athletic performance while minimizing the risk of injury.
Successful and well-informed athletes, coaches and trainers have long known that diseases of the oral cavity and teeth put a strain on the entire body, which impairs athletic potential. An athlete who suffers from dental or jaw problems will never be able to perform at their full potential.
Our practice specializes in the treatment of amateur and elite athletes. We concentrate on:


Every therapy begins with a profound, holistic diagnosis of the entire stomatognathic system (teeth, periodontal condition, herd diagnostics, silent inflammations of the jaw area, toxin exposure, function of muscles and jaw joints, meridian diagnostics, etc.). In the holistic approach, the remote effects of the dental organs via the meridians also play a major role. Via these relationships, each tooth and jaw area is connected to certain joints, internal organs, hormone systems, spinal cord and spinal column sections as well as a specific sensory organ. Dental foci can thus cause specific joint problems, for example, which can enormously restrict performance or make other attempts at therapy unsuccessful.


Improved performance by eliminating stress factors and performance-reducing diseases in the mouth, such as silent inflammation, periodontitis, caries, immunological and toxicological stresses, bite and functional problems.

Optimization of functional stresses through e.g. special dental splints, grinding splints or so-called performance splints.
Maximum performance is only possible through optimal regeneration of the organism.

Our holistic prevention and rehabilitation concepts also play an important supporting role here.


Several areas play a role here:

on the one hand, prevention through profound diagnostics and elimination of performance-reducing diseases in the oral area such as silent inflammations, periodontitis, dental foci, etc.

on the other hand, prevention of tooth-damaging stresses and habits during training and competition phases, such as tooth damage caused by acidic, sugary drinks and grinding behavior.

Sustainable holistic health and the prevention of damage to the teeth and the entire organism is a top priority.


Prevention of tooth and jaw injuries through individual sports mouthguards as well as the prevention of abrasion, erosion, caries, periodontitis and dental foci of any kind.

Optimize your performance –
Challenge your limits!

For professionals and amateurs, high performance and the lowest possible susceptibility to injury are crucial for sporting success and contribute to the enjoyment of sport.

Modern, prevention-oriented and holistic sports dentistry helps to support this success decisively.

Dr. Robert Bauder, MSc. MSc.

“Sometimes even small things make the difference when it comes to being better than the competition.”

Sports dentistry: We make you faster, stronger, better!

Dr. med. dent. Robert Bauder MSc. MSc. has been a performance-oriented amateur athlete himself for decades (including participant in several European Age Group Triathlon Championships, multiple Ironman finisher (9:56 h), multiple bronze medal Tyrolean Championships in sprint and half-distance Age Group, New York Marathon 2:56 h, Age Group Silver Sprint-Thriathlon Kitzbühel) and knows the needs of athletes from his own experience. “I know how important it is for all athletes to generate maximum training effects from their training and to be able to deliver their full performance in competition…”And sometimes it’s the little things that make the difference in being better than the competition. “… the topic of regeneration is often underestimated, especially by older athletes” “However, it is just as important to keep the body free of damage caused by wear and tear for a long time, so that lasting health consequences are avoided as far as possible in later life.” This includes not only measures on the teeth themselves, but also measures for the entire networked system of the organism and the environment in the body.

  • Certified team sports dentist (DGSZM)
  • Member of the German Society for Sports Dentistry (DGSZM)
  • Member of the Kitzbühel Triathlon Club
  • Doc-Finder – voted top dentist by patients every year since 2015

Sports dentistry – the holistic approach

Scientific findings from many medical and sports science disciplines have long since proven the complex connections between the mouth and jaw area and the body’s statics, muscular functions, energy production and breathing capacity. The body is a complex overall system, which is why pathological conditions in the oral and maxillofacial region can have a negative impact on performance, while dental rehabilitation measures can have a positive influence on bodily functions and thus the performance of the organism in many respects. Modern sports dentistry combines the various fields of dentistry – prevention, tooth preservation, endodontics, periodontology, implantology and dental prosthetics – with the aim of optimizing, maintaining or restoring the individual performance and regenerative capacity of athletes. Holistic approaches from modern biological dentistry and orthomolecular medicine also play an important role in our practice. We have many years of experience through professional support in competitive sport and provide NADA-compliant treatment.


Improved performance through modern sports dentistry

There are close connections between the mouth and jaw area and the body that most athletes are not aware of.

In order to improve your athletic performance, the dental causes of performance-reducing factors should first be eliminated.


Inflammations of the periodontium (periodontitis) often remain undetected for a long time, as they are usually painless (silent inflammations). They are often not always recognizable from the outside and should be assessed with in-depth diagnostics. The symptoms range from reduced athletic performance to increased susceptibility to infections and injuries. Especially impacted dead teeth and periodontitis or peri-implantitis increase the inflammatory stress on the organism and can lead to poorer regeneration, recurring muscular problems, joint complaints and a general drop in performance. Inflammatory foci can spread pro-inflammatory messenger substances, bacteria and toxins throughout the body, causing various negative consequences and serious long-term health problems. Rheumatoid arthritis or myocarditis can also be caused by these inflammations and foci of infection.


Some people are sensitive to dental materials. Not only amalgam can be problematic, but also the plastics and adhesives used as well as residual monomers. In the case of symptoms with an unclear cause, it is worth looking for an intolerance. Modern biological dentistry tries to remain completely metal-free for restorations wherever possible in order to rule out any immunological disorders. Therefore, no titanium implants are used, but highly biocompatible zirconium oxide implants, i.e. ceramic implants.

Wisdom teeth

An unerupted wisdom tooth often triggers chronic but also acute inflammation. Rheumatic joint inflammation or inflammation of the heart muscle can also be caused by it. This means a risk for every athlete.

Misaligned jaw or teeth

A frequently occurring malocclusion of the lower jaw has a negative effect on the entire musculoskeletal system because it tries to compensate for the dysfunction via the muscles and joints. From a neurological point of view, a “wrong bite” and dysfunctions create a significant state of stress in the body. If a so-called craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) is present, the stress disorder is transmitted via the functional chains of the ligaments. tendons, fasciae, joints and spine and causes various symptoms or poor posture. The influence on statics and incorrect loading exists in all directions. There are ascending and descending problems. Typical symptoms are

  • Neck, back and shoulder pain
  • Misalignment of the spine and shoulder girdle
  • Blockage of the cervical spine or the sacroiliac joints
  • Intervertebral disc problems
  • Problems in the thoracic and lumbar spine area
  • Pelvic obliquity
  • Leg length differences
  • Pain when walking
  • Knee pain
  • Increased muscle tone with the risk of hyperacidity and premature fatigue
  • Narrowing of the trachea with insufficient oxygen supply

Instead of simply compensating for the painful movement restrictions and limited breathing capacity with insoles and orthopaedic measures, sports dentistry focuses on a cause-related correction of the jaw position and temporomandibular joint function, which can be corrected via the tooth surfaces.

We can compensate for jaw misalignments that have a negative effect on body statics and muscle tone with special PERFORMANCE RAILS and thus have a positive influence on performance.

Performance rail

Performance Splint – Power – Endurance – Flexibility – Coordination – Increased reaction time Performance splint – Power – Endurance – Flexibility – Coordination – Increased reaction time The performance splint is a custom-made bite splint that has been specially developed for athletes. It is worn during sport and also fulfills a protective function. Thanks to its special shape, the performance splint brings the lower jaw into its natural position. The incorrect position of the jaw no longer needs to be compensated for by adjusting the body posture. This leads to significant relief for the throat, neck and back muscles. The risk of acidosis and premature fatigue is significantly reduced. The body can develop its full potential. At the same time, the tension in the jaw joint caused by clenching the teeth and the release of stress hormones is prevented. The performance splint optimizes the position of the lower jaw, which leads to an increase in breathing capacity and thus to an improved oxygen supply. Performance splints relieve the muscles, prevent tension and increase breathing capacity. Their use by top athletes shows impressively that they can significantly improve mobility, speed, coordination, maximum strength and endurance.


Isotonic sports drinks in particular often contain ingredients that are harmful to dental health. If these drinks are consumed regularly during training, sugar and acids attack the tooth surface. In the long term, this not only leads to a considerable loss of tooth substance, including a lowering of the bite height, but the consequences of tooth decay ultimately lead to serious secondary diseases.


In order to achieve top performance as an athlete, complete night-time regeneration is extremely important. Stress and strain can cause you to grind your teeth in your sleep. Extremely high forces occur in the chewing muscles (up to 1000 kg per square centimetre), while at the same time the entire body musculature is tensed. Instead of recovering, the chewing muscles tense up and the regeneration effect of sleep is correspondingly poor. Snoring, on the other hand, can lead to short interruptions in breathing, during which the body is no longer supplied with oxygen. Here too, you feel exhausted the next morning and are far from your maximum performance capacity due to insufficient regeneration. We can significantly reduce teeth grinding with a customized grinding splint / relaxation splint. The entire chewing and body muscles can relax and the body can fully regenerate at night. With appropriate snoring splints, the blockage of the airways during sleep can be avoided. Differentiated splint therapy can have a significant impact on regeneration and thus not least on the psyche and performance.


Prevention of diseases in the mouth that reduce performance

Inflammation in the mouth can significantly reduce performance in athletes.

Inflammatory diseases include:

  • Inflammation of the gums, bleeding gums
  • Periodontitis
  • Peri-implantitis (inflammation around implants)
  • Inflammation around wisdom teeth that have not fully erupted
  • inflammatory foci around dead teeth and the resulting
  • Inflammation of the jawbone

Pro-inflammatory messenger substances, toxins and bacteria are released from the areas of inflammation via the bloodstream, lymphatic system, respiratory tract and digestive tract into the blood vessels, organs and joints. This can have serious consequences, e.g:

  • Continuous strain on the immune system – the body becomes more susceptible to infections and injuries.
  • Reduced blood flow to the heart, brain and muscles
  • Bacterial colonization and pro-inflammatory influence on arteriosclerotic plaques, possible consequences: Heart attacks, strokes
  • Bronchitis, lung infections and restriction of breathing capacity
  • Painful impairment of mobility in joints (promotion of arthritis)
  • Inflammation leads to hyperacidity, which impairs muscle function and thus weakens performance

Control examination

Regular dental check-ups prevent major undetected problems or enable early intervention so that subsequent problems can be prevented.


The aim of all prophylaxis measures is to prevent dental damage from occurring. The most important dental diseases – caries and periodontitis – can be almost completely avoided, as can most of the resulting consequences.


Prevention of tooth and jaw injuries with individual sports mouthguards

Injury prevention

In some sports, such as soccer, basketball, handball, biking, baseball, field hockey and martial arts, the risk of injury or loss of teeth is particularly high. The treatment of tooth damage and dental trauma is not only costly and time-consuming, but can also cause long-term health problems. For this reason, a custom-made mouthguard should always be worn for high-risk sports. This provides the best protection against dental injuries and offers the highest wearing comfort.

Effective sports bite protection

The splint, which is individually made for each athlete, sits precisely on the row of teeth and at the same time covers the gums and thus the jawbone, which ensures greater strength and impact absorption. The exact fit of the splint is particularly important to ensure that the position of the jaw, occlusion and breathing, and therefore also athletic performance, are only slightly impaired. These splints, which have been specially developed for sports, are relatively comfortable to wear as they are individually adapted to the age, type of sport and performance level of the athlete.

Sports injuries in the mouth and jaw area

In sports accidents, the front teeth are usually affected by injuries.If the injury to the tooth substance is not too deep, the tooth can be reconstructed using high-quality adhesive composite materials, which can be easily matched to the color of the tooth. Loosened teeth can often be saved with splinting and bonding and become stronger again after a few weeks. If a tooth root is badly fractured or teeth are completely lost, the gaps must be closed with implants or bridges.