Removal of wisdom teeth
We extract wisdom teeth using a particularly gentle procedure and minimally invasive surgery.
Good to know
We speak of displaced wisdom teeth when these teeth erupt in the wrong place or in the wrong direction. Due to a lack of space in the jaw, this displacement very often does not occur in the correct position, which would be good for the entire jaw. The effect of a “misalignment” is that the roots of the neighboring teeth are usually affected and therefore also endangered. For this reason, for example, extraction is a matter of judgment. Not to mention that patients come due to pain caused by the wisdom tooth. In many cases, this is manifested by a thick swollen cheek.
How does treatment work?
An intervention is always preceded by a detailed analysis using vitality status, pain definition and 3D X-ray. Without detailed diagnostics and findings, we cannot make any profound treatment recommendations. Once it has been decided that an extraction is to follow, the procedure continues as follows. After local anesthesia at the affected site or area, we remove the wisdom tooth as gently as possible, always with the aim of preserving the bone. Our procedures are always as minimally invasive as possible. This means that the incision in the wound is kept as small as possible. This approach increases the chances of healing and usually also prevents severe swelling. Patients who adhere to our post-operative recommendations and guidelines usually have no swelling or pain at all. If the wisdom tooth is removed with a large incision (invasive), inflammations known as ischemic osteonecrosis very frequently occur. These inflammations are “simmering” foci that weaken the immune system.All this is avoided by our minimally invasive method.
In addition to general restorations, individual ceramic implants orother services such as tooth adjustments from our broad spectrum, we also offer wisdom tooth removal according to our principles of biological dentistry. Depending on the degree of displacement of the wisdom tooth, the operation can take between 30 minutes and 1.5 hours in the affected jaw region. Depending on the patient’s sensitivity, minimal to moderate swelling may occur 2-6 days after the operation. We have developed a bone healing protocol especially for such situations, which optimally supports your immune system and promotes regeneration.